THE EXPERTISE of works of art is an activity very varied by part its multitude of specialties. So, the judicial expert does not have to limit his knowledge only on an artist of the period but has to be an excellent general practitioner over one or several centuries in a rather vast discipline which is completed by sharper knowledge of domains and of the period to answer the missions of the magistrates. The magistrates raise(bring up) to this honor certain market players of the art such as the traders, the sons(threads) of experts, the restaurant owners(restorers) of art and the art historians among whom the fame and the skills are recognized. The historic knowledge is often far from sufficient to allow the historian to express an opinion of authenticity. The judicial expert in works of art is thus today a complete technician in his specialty and his opinion (notice) can be a recognized authority only because it is justified and included by all the parts(parties). His(Her, Its) speech cannot thus be esoteric and it is even sometimes necessary to be didactic. The perfect control(master’s degree) of the used materials, techniques and uses(practices) of manufacturing of a work of art are necessary to detect the false in numerous domains. The technical incompetence can be very heavy of consequences and in domains as difficult as those of the market of art, the technical opinion must be joined in the opinion of the historian.
All these qualities being difficult to find in a single person, the set of the public actors and deprived of the market of art has to accept its limits and appeal to the complementary specialists so that or establishes the most just analysis.
To make an appointment or benefit from confidential and free advice(councils) you can contact the department of the judicaires expertises.